Take STEM Education Outdoors

Looking for a fun project outside with your students? Check this out –  Build a Gnome Home is an engaging and super fun project that takes the engineering design process outside! Students create a design before going out to use natural materials to build a home for their gnome. A tee-pee built out of sticks? A cozy nook in a tree? Or maybe a hut made of tree bark and leaves? Students choose the type of structure, materials, and all the possible comforts of home for their gnomes, such as a bed of pine needles or a tin chair made out of a pine cone. Then, give your students a lesson in engineering they will tell their parents all about at the dinner table!

Outdoor Learning 

Studies have shown that learning outdoors provides several benefits to students.  self-esteem, relationship with peers, relationship with nature, problem solving, motivation to learn, and improved behaviors have been empirically observed.  

Environmentally, getting students outdoors for a breath of fresh air significantly improves their learning stamina.  I am a true proponent for outside learning and I hope you will be too! 

Outdoor learning improves behavior, build academic stamina and provides students with hands-on learning through real life application.